[[ **-SuSy R-... BloG!!** ]]

++[[ **..Hi welCome tO mY bLog!... I HoPe U lIke It!.. Is rEaLLY cOOl,C yA lAteR!! =)..

Friday, March 23, 2007


Hey! It’s me Susie! Well, how much of you already know we are making a project called Internationalteenlife! I have had many experience and lots of things to tell you. This is a very exiting project because we get to meet and now more people. For example we are exchanging ideas and thoughts about this project with other schools like in Malaysia, Canada, and Virginia.

I think that this project is very fun and I have not only learned a lot of things but also make new people and friends. My subject is animal cruelty and rights, and my partners are; Maria angelica (Mayi) from Cartagena/Colombia, Elaine from North America, Kate that’s also from North America, Mitchell from MKIS and Ann Nee also from MKIS. Talking about animal rights and cruelty had made me think of lots of things that I had never thought of. Also many people all around the world had seen our project and they are very happy and exited with this.

TLP or Teenlifeproject has teach me many things for live that I would never for get. I think this teach me that exchanging ideas and thoughts with other people can be fun.


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