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Monday, October 09, 2006

Any Thing Goes Right on My "Perfect Holyday"

(1)· series of objects-
(2)· series of modifiers-
(3)· series of phrases -
(4)· series of independent clauses-
(5)· introductory prepositional phrase
(6)· introductory participial phrase
(7)· introductory adverb clause
(8)· introductory yes, no, or interjection

In winter, I planed to go to Colorado. The trip was a mess. I had seen a perfect time there like (2) playing in the snow, ice skating, and making angel forms. BUT, seeing it in a realistic way it was impossible relaxing there. I would be better going to school!! Everything was wrong (3) the house, the place, and the climate. All stared like this:

I woke up early, in Colorado, anxious of another “exiting” morning, but it was a complete disaster. That day I were completely frozen. I thank: I woke up with the wrong foot, because the shower was soooo cold. I became a complete piece of ice with some (1) ice, in my mouth, foot and toes. I drop my hot tea in my new cloth, I WAS TOTALLY A MESS..!

When I changed my cloth again I brushed my teeth and saw that there was no paste on it.. BEAUTIFUL!. It looked like it was the perfect morning. Everything was going wrong and wrong, BUT Why to me? Well, that’s a question that I will never find a right answer ? “Live is cruel SOMETIMES”.. That’s MY answer.

Later that day, I was so angry, so hungry, and so cold. I went to the refrigerator and I said to my mind.. “Know Susie.. Relax.. Everything is ok… inhale.. Exhalee..” BUT…(I hate that BUT) There was NO food to pick up on the refrigerator because in my family everyone was SO lacy and nobody had bought food in the the market, yet. Specialty my mom, (4) she was sleeping, relaxing, and dreaming tha morning.

Why does any thing went right? Well, maybe in was because I have bud luck, but that would be impossible because since I have memory I have had always very good luck. (5) Even in a bad moments, I am always a lucky person. (6) I remember one day, that there was a pound with mud, and everyone had step on it, BUT thanks to "my good luck" I DID NOT STEP IT!!..because how I all ready tell you (7) whenever I am in problems, I can get out of them..exept...THAT UGLY TIME IN COLORADO!!!...

If you question your self why I had a desaster holyday and you had guess is bad luck...well, (8) yes, congratulation you have succed!.. However, that day at night, things stared to change for first time in the world, my brother was polite, my mom did me a favor, and my dad...my dad drove calmly!.. YES!!... know things are getting better!.. Well, so know I have another story to tell, then of a bad day, ANY THING CANT JUST GET WORST. So... I have predicted I am not totally bad luck.. but Im just lucky.


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