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Friday, February 23, 2007

<;D ** Animal Rights/ Cruelty!** <;(

Hello everyone! AGAIN it’s me. Well, I just wanted to tell you about my new issue I just change. It’s about animal rights and cruelty. Animal rights UP and animal cruelty DOWN!! How can this people be sooo mean! Well, now I’m going to talk a little about this so you get sort of idea what Animal Rights and Cruelty is. There are GOOD and BAD things for this that are:

*GOOD: Animal rights its also known as animal liberation. This mean that animals must be free and not human’s property. In this page I read some goals to animal rights that are:

  • The total abolition of the use of animals in science;
  • The total dissolution of commercial animal agriculture;
  • The total elimination of commercial and sport hunting and trapping.

I think that an animal right is what people must do instead of killing the animals. If we keep killing animals then what do you think would happen? RIGHT! NO ANIMALS! Well, also imagine this. Do you have any pet at home? Like dog, cat, horse (If you have a horse you are weird…I mean horse INSIDE your house) etc. Now imagine that someone killed you your pet, (I’m sorry if I’m to bloody but that’s the point of view I want to get.) To make people realize that killing animals is very bad just like as if someone killed you your pet!

*BAD: Animal cruelty means the same as it sound is treating bad animals or killing (doing cruelty) to them. The worst part of animal cruelty Like, people killing animals for fun. THAT’S THE PROBLEM. If you kill an animal for food or to survive that is ok because, I mean that’s the cycle of live! Like in the jungle, deserts, woods, ect; lions, tigers, insects, rabbits, giraffes, elephants, etc are killing other animal because that is cycle of live they need in order to live and survive. For example, plants need to be fertile in order to grow well because fertile is the substance plants need to live. My mom told me, that in some parts of the world (I don’t know exactly were) some so it’s totally normal. But is bad when you do it FOR FUN! I read a small small article called Cow Slaughter. This, really has a video in wich you can analyse what is happening. People are killing all class of animals to sell and they cut those animals from the... neck. Oh my god, I can continue is too sad. This people must be send to JAIL! There they can pay what they have done to these animals.

Well, I hope you get sort of what I wanted to infer to you. Remember that if some day you see a person treating bad an animal, DEMAND! Or explain him (I don’t really think its going to work) that what he or she is doing is bad and cruel. Next post I will talk more about this, well, if Mr. Hide told us to. Now I need to go. See you later!


Friday, February 16, 2007

**DRUGS** Bad 4 health..

Hello again! What’s up people? I hope everything fine. Well, for the people that didn’t have clear what I talked about teenage drug or just wanted to learn more about it, today I’m going to talk about that. First if all, remember that drug is any chemical that produces a therapeutic or non-therapeutic effect in the body.

Well, How I have all ready told you last time, drugs are bad for your health, body, friends, family and you! It ruins your live! Don’t think like “Well, its one drug, what could it do?” WHAT COULD IT DO! It would do a lot! First of all, some people that had never consumed drugs and they consume, they stared getting like sick and start throwing up and like seeing blind etc because their body aren’t familiar with does substances. There are different ways in which the drug would affect your health: the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how quickly it gets into the brain, what other drugs are taken at the same time, the differences in body size, the length of time the drugs are used, etc.

There are ALL kind of drugs such as; Cocaine and Crack, Amphetamines, Marijuana, Inhalants, Cold and Cough Medicines. All this drugs are very bad for you. Remember that if someone ever asks you “Hey, do you want some of this?” And tells you that it fees good, that it’s delicious, etc! DON’T CONSUME IT. You said him or her “You know what? No, that is not good it’s bad for your health and you are also hearting other people that’s loves you so... No thanks.

People said that if you consumed drugs, it would influence you a lot like in relationships, reputations, futures, wallets, self-images and especially grades. Also they said ‘’Using alcohol and tobacco at a young age increases the risk of using other drugs later.”

What is bad of all this, is that you start with something that isn’t to bad (talking about drugs) and when you even notice you stared consuming worst drugs. Like maybe you starts drinking alcohol and then you smoke and consumed marijuana or.. I don’t know.. I mean… like worst drugs. That’s is like the story I told you about that girl who start with the alcohol bottles at her home and then stared smoking Pipe and worst things.

Some doctor said that when you consumed drugs you have “your own world’’. Like what I think of this, is that like the substance of drugs make a chemical reaction to your body that makes you feel like in another ‘’world’’ that doesn’t really exist. They stared acting and doing things because they see things that aren’t really happening.

SO like I already told you remember not consuming drugs because that affects you a lot. Any kind of drug! You get to be in many changes, “own worlds’’, losting friends and families etc, almost all this role about teenage happens with young people because they want to be ‘’cool’’.This is what people said called Teenagers and drugs:

-->Teenagers and Drugs <--
Teenagers may be involved with legal or illegal drugs in various ways. Experimentation with drugs during teenage is common. Unfortunately, teenagers often don’t see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow. They also have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience.
Using alcohol and tobacco at a young age increases the risk of using other drugs later. Some teens will experiment and stop, or continue to use occasionally, without significant problems. Others will develop a dependency, moving on to more dangerous drugs and causing significant harm to themselves and possibly others.

Adolescence is a time for trying new things. Teens use drugs for many reasons, including curiosity, because it feels good, to reduce stress, to feel grown up or to fit in. It is difficult to know which teens will experiment and stop and which will develop serious problems.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

**Other Respond**

Hello again! Because I needed to finish my 500 words about other schools questions, I decide to go to Mr. Fisher's class. There I find an interesting question, it was like this: What is the climate like in your place?

Well, the climate here in Cartagena is very very hot! Sometimes the climate is even warmer in some days, but usually at nights, the wind is fresher. Not even on December it gets a little cold! But you get used to Cartagena's climate. I have been here sense I was a baby, even though I wasn't born here. I was born in Medellin were climate is colder than here. When it rains, like in Cholón (Were Rosario islands are), the climate gets like kind of wet and dry so it attracts mosquitoes! In my island the climate is fresher. Well, Know I need to go! I hope you get to know more about Cartagena´s climate! Bye!

Monday, February 05, 2007

**Teenage Drug**

Hey! It’s me, Susie! Today I want to tell you about teenage drug. Maybe you wouldn't even care about it, but what I’m going to tell you is very important so listen up! Well, because I’m interested in the issue of teenage drug I searched on del.icio.us. This is a page where you can get information about many things. Other pages are Google News or BBC News. However, I looked in del.icio.us and I searched Teenage drug. There, real teenagers tell stories about them drinking and consuming drugs.

One story I read called "I Was Tired of Nobody Trusting Me". It was about a girl named Krystan that was adopted by pretty good parents, born in California. She was like a normal girl but her father had many alcohol bottles at home, so she stared drinking, and with years she stared to drink, smoke and consumed many drugs. She said that AT FIRST it maked her feel good, but when time passed her health, friends and family were missing. Even the people she got to hangout with; the ones who consumed drug, alchol and smoked were a little afraid of her because she was consuming to lot. Krystan got always in trouble and hide stuff from her parents and even steal them money when they weren't seeing! A lot of things happened to her, but one day her mother catch Krystan stealing their parents money and grab her by the hand and found a pipe on her backpack. Because her mother was worried she maked many test, and treatments so she could be again the girl she used to be, thanks that Krystan wasn't SO much deep in the drugs she could be cured. Today she is a drug and alcohol counselor in Scotts Valley, CA.

I learned that consuming drugs is bad because it ruins your body inside and outside, get in troubles, lost friends and families, making bad things such as stealing money from your job (if you have) and parents. Remember that consuming drugs is bad. And many people had lost almost everything because off the effect of drugs. Also they say thing that they shouldn’t and people don’t believe or have confidence on them because they know how those people are.

I think all this is very important because it teaches me a lot of things such as how had teenagers been affected by the drugs and how had their lives changed when they didn’t consume and when they stared consuming. Like I think that if you consumed drugs all your live would ruin and you will get in many problems and you wouldn’t have many TRUE friends that carry about you even though you consume.

I want to expand my understanding of my topic by making more post or telling information about the effects on drug. Like also tell the stories or post the stories of the people I read that consumed drug and how they live change since the stared consuming. Post comment of about what I think and make people notice about the bad influence of messing with drugs, alcohol, and smoke.

This isn't anything comparing to the things that happen in real live. You should never drink smoke or consumed drugs. They (drugs) are bad for your health and appearance. Also you lost friends and family when you consume those. Don’t get massed up with that of drugs. You would gain many problems. Live life without ruining your live and damaging your self.

Another thing that happens a lot, (I don’t know if it happens where you are, but here in Cartagena yes) is that poor people spend their money on drinks like alcohol and I’m talking about teenagers. Is that the worst thing is that! They are teenagers!! I don’t think you want to be like them. Spend your only money gained in the day with alcohol and cigarettes. Those people really don’t know what they are doing but I do. Ruining their live with…with...DRUGS!

Oh! I forget to tell you! Sometimes in some parts restaurants and streets sellers sell TEENAGERS alcohol and they are like 15 years old. Poor guys, at 15 years and drinking. Well I think you already get the main idea off this. "DON’T RUIN YOUR LIVE BY CONSUMING DRUGS!" Well, Now I need to go, I hope you get clear the concept of drugs and the causes and effects it has on you. Bye! See you later!