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Monday, October 23, 2006

♥+[ ..Oh Ashley.. ]+♥

Boom Boom Boom. Ashley’s heavy steps came down the stairs. She was getting to the studio, were she had her computer. Ashley sat down in a fluffy seat and turned it on. Messenger starts. “Ashley! Stop that computer right now!” Ashley’s mom shouted. “What! Mom I just stared!” she responds angrily. “Well, I’m sorry, but you are going to stop it right now or I’ll turn it off in a second, what are you thinking of? Look the hour is 7:52 am” she said back. “OK-OK!” Ashley said making a sigh. Her mom relaxed face went to sleep again. It was 7: 54 am, Sunday morning In Oklahoma. Ashley turns off the computer and turns on the TV to channel 18. Then she took out the phone and pressed some numbers, and then she talked. “Hi, good morning and sorry for the early call, is there Madison?” “Oh, no problem. Well, I guess she is sleeping, let me see.” The curios voice answer. Then the voice talked again “Sorry, she is sleeping do you want to let her a message?” “Oh, umm.. No its fine I’ll called back later” Ashley said “Ok, bye” the voice respond. “Bye” said Ashley returning to the sofa that faced the TV. Ashley’s little Brother had been waked by her noisy voice. “Ashley, is it you?” he said yawning. “No I’m barney” Said Ashley with an obvious sigh. ”Off course is it me you stupid” she said again. Michel walked toward Ashley and sit beside her on the sofa. “I want cartoons” Said Michel. “No, I’m not going to put your stupid cartoons” Ashley said meanly. Michel takes the TV control out of her hands and turn of the channel. “Hey! What are you doing idiot? I had the TV” said Ashley and turn it again. Michel taked it again and then Ashley pulled it back, then they started fighting. Their mom waked and became all red, walked to where the kids were, and said: “your dad and me are trying to sleep if you are not quiet, Ill take you that TV, and I promise you will never see it again" she said angrily but then calming her self up. “Ok” the two kids said in chorus. Then their mom turned again and walked in direction of her room. Both, Ashley and Michel saw each other face at the same time. “You know what? Take the control I don’t care, I’m not a baby like you” said Ashley. Michel made a sad face and became all red, Before Ashley turned herself around she saw her little brother’s tear coming off and added ‘‘ok, I’m sorry you are not a baby I was just joking and if you want take the control, I really don’t care, I’ll find out what to do”.

“Ashley...” Michel’s brightened head said.

“Yeah?” she responds.

“We can see both TV, in one part I’ll see cartoons, and in the other you’ll se your TV shows or novels’’ Ashley smiled at her brother.

“That sounds right to me”. She said. They kept watching TV all-day until 5:00 pm. Ashley then, hung out with her friends again and Michel invited a friend called Rich, he is so funny and aerobic, Well, If you want to know about dad, he went to a meeting until night, mom cooked and then called few friends of her to go to my house. From that on, Mom and I stop fighting because we realized that day that it wasn’t worth to keep it up and….. My brother and I became very good friends.


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